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Gymnastics Birthday Party Ideas

by sorin ciovica on June 23, 2024


Throwing a birthday party for toddlers can be a daunting task. With boundless energy and enthusiasm, you need an activity that's both fun and safe. The perfect solution? A gymnastics birthday party! With soft mats and exciting activities, it's a hit for kids and stress-free for parents.

Gymnastics Birthday Party Ideas

Things to Think About When Planning Your Gymnastics Party

Age: Consider the age of your guests. A gymnastics party for 2-year-olds will differ significantly from one for older children. Decorations, invitations, and supplies should be age-appropriate. You might even think about hosting a gymnastics slumber party or a backyard party depending on the age group.

Location: Deciding between a gym and home is crucial. If you're on the fence, weigh the pros and cons. Visit different gyms to find the right fit, considering factors like cleanliness, vibe, and package details. Ensure you understand the deposit requirements, cancellation policies, and guest guarantees before booking.

Workload: Hosting a birthday party can be a lot of work. If you prefer less stress and more socializing, a gym might be the better choice as they handle most of the details. If you enjoy planning and hosting, a home party gives you more control but requires more effort.

Budget: Compare the costs of a gym party versus a home party. While gym parties can be pricey, home parties can add up quickly with decorations, food, and entertainment. Calculate your total expenses for both options to make an informed decision.


Gymnastics Center Parties

Hosting a party at a gymnastics center can simplify planning. Many centers offer birthday packages that include games and activities using equipment like foam pits, trampolines, AirTrack Mats, and obstacle courses. All you need to do is invite the kids and bring the cake!

Gymnastics Center Parties

What to Expect:

  • Scheduling: Parties are usually scheduled for weekends, afternoons, or nights when the gym is closed. It's essential to book well in advance to secure your desired date.
  • Cost: Costs range from $100 to $300 for a few hours, depending on the package and location.
  • Inclusions: Packages may include coaches to supervise activities, a private area for food, tables and chairs, a music system, entertainment, invitations, photo mementos, and party favors.
  • Safety: Consent or waiver forms are typically required for safety reasons. Ensure parents fill these out completely and bring them to the party.
  • Dress Code: Kids should wear loose-fitting athletic clothes and no jewelry to ensure safety and freedom of movement.
  • Limitations: Check for any age limits or maximum number of children allowed on the floor at one time.
  • Setup and Cleanup: Confirm setup and takedown rules for decorations and food. This helps avoid any last-minute surprises.
  • Special Activities: Many gyms offer a special activity for the birthday child, such as a trampoline "fly" or a fun parachute game.


Gymnastics Birthday Party at Home

You don't need a gymnastics center to host a great gymnastics-themed party. With a bit of creativity and some home gymnastics equipment, you can create a fun and cost-effective celebration at home.

Gymnastics Birthday Party at Home


  • Invitations: Send out invitations that specify wearing sporty clothes for an active afternoon.
Gymnastics Birthday Party invitationGymnastics Birthday Party invitation


  • Decorations: Decorate with a color scheme of red, white, blue, gold, silver, or bronze. Hang photos of famous gymnasts like Simone Biles or Aly Raisman. Display your child's awards and medals as decorations.
Gymnastics Birthday Party decorationGymnastics Birthday Party decoration




  • Activity Stations: Create activity stations with hula hoop twirling, balance beams (marked with tape or purchased), relay races, somersaults, jumping jacks, handstands, cartwheels, and parachute games.
  • Trampoline Time: Supervised trampoline time is always a hit. Ensure safety by having an adult supervise and setting clear rules.
  • Follow the Leader: A fun game where each child adds a new move for others to follow.
  • DIY Obstacle Course: Set up a simple obstacle course in your yard or living room using household items like cushions, chairs, and ropes.


Calm Down Time:

"She's Got This" by Laurie Hernandez


gymnastics movie


Food and Drink:

  • Healthy Snacks: Offer healthy finger foods like carrot sticks, apple wedges, and cheese cubes alongside the decorated birthday cake.
  • Themed Cake: Feature a cake with a gymnastics theme, such as an edible photo of your child doing gymnastics or decorated with their favorite apparatus like bars or vault.
Gymnastics Birthday Party cake

Gymnastics Party Supplies

Party supply stores and online shops offer a range of gymnastics-themed decorations and favors. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Custom Banners: Personalized banners to match your party theme.
  • Cupcake Toppers: Colorful gymnast silhouette toppers for cupcakes.
  • Dinner Plates and Cups: Gymnastics-themed plates and cups to complete your table setting.
  • Invitations: Customizable invites perfect for boys and girls of any age.
  • Goodie Bags: Fill them with small gymnastics-related items like stickers, hair ties, fun socks, or mini trophies.
Gymnastics-themed platesColorful gymnast silhouette toppers for cupcakes



Favors and Final Touches

  • Gymnastics Party Favors: Send guests home with fun party favors like stickers, hair ties, fun socks, or customized goodie bags that can double as grip bags.
  • Medal Ceremony: End the party with a medal ceremony, complete with gold medals for everyone, making each child feel like a champion.
Gymnastics Birthday Party Medal


If your child loves gymnastics, a gymnastics-themed birthday party is the perfect way to celebrate. With a mix of energetic activities and creative decorations, you'll create an unforgettable, gold-medal experience. Cue the Olympic music and get ready to flip out for a fantastic party!



What to wear to a kids gymnastics birthday party? Children should wear loose-fitting athletic clothing that allows for easy movement. Avoid jewelry to prevent accidents. Comfortable clothes like t-shirts, shorts, or leggings are ideal.

What do 5-year-old girls wear to gymnastics? Five-year-old girls can wear leotards or fitted t-shirts and shorts. The key is comfort and flexibility, allowing them to move freely and safely.

What is the dress code for gymnastics for girls? Girls should wear a leotard or fitted athletic wear such as a tank top with shorts or leggings. Hair should be tied back, and no jewelry should be worn to ensure safety during activities.

What makes a good birthday party? A good birthday party is well-planned, with engaging activities, age-appropriate games, and a fun theme. Ensuring safety, providing tasty snacks, and having a structured timeline also contribute to a successful party.